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A New Normal?

Updated: May 29, 2020

As our country gradually reopens businesses, restaurants, barbershops, shopping centers, churches, and other routine activities, one can’t help but wonder if it is too soon. After all, few states, including North Carolina, have met the federal criteria for a decline in cases over 14 days before reopening.

As of this post, more than 102,000 citizens across the country have died due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In North Carolina, 827 people have died and more than 25,000 others have been infected by the virus since early March; and the number of infections and deaths in NC continue to rise. Yet, government officials have lifted many of the preventative restrictions without understanding what is yet to come.

Frankly, I have never experienced anything like this in my lifetime (61 years). Social distancing, wearing masks and gloves, hand sanitizer, take-out orders, curbside shopping, virtual graduations and fraternity meetings, and Zoom sessions are all the new normal. Certainly, there are lots of lessons learned both good and bad during this pandemic that will shape the future of our world, country, state, and our personal lives. Nevertheless, life as we know it will never be the same. Given what we have experienced during the last 80 plus days, how can it be?

Yet, despite this tragic situation, there has been a lot of good that has come from being confined at home. Yes, I got to work from home which was a nice break. But, it is reconnecting with my family that is invaluable. We have learned how to enjoy each other’s company again. We play board games, conduct family workouts, watch movies, participate in Zoom birthdays parties, tackle home improvement projects, and hone our cooking skills. All activities we definitely plan to continue.

So, as our nation and state wrestle with the reopening, let us be mindful and remain safe always by adhering to the three W’s; wear a face covering if you are with other people, wash your hands often, and wait 6 feet apart to help flatten the curve and slow the spread of the virus.

Last but certainly not least, keep our country and leaders in prayer as they navigate this difficult time in our country. As I reflect on our situation, I am encouraged by the scripture Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” As our country moves into this new normal, this new land, let us go with the assurance and hope that God is in charge and this to shall pass !

Bro. Buckner

Onward and Upwards Always!

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