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President's Welcome

Bro. Anthony Henderson

President, Epsilon Rho Lambda Chapter

Greetings are in order for all Brothers that have taken the time to log in to this state of the art and trending Epsilon Rho Lambda (EPL) Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. website.


I welcome and challenge all Brothers to use this social medium to gain better awareness of Alpha history, national projects, EPL chapter events, and fellowship with other Brothers in the Greater Fayetteville Area to include Epsilon Zeta (Fayetteville State University), Tau Nu (University of North Carolina Pembroke), and Phi Gamma (Methodist University) Chapters.


As we strengthen our brotherhood, we also strengthen our ties in the community through strategic partnerships and becoming that constant voice, mentor, and advocate for those who need uplifting or can’t speak for themselves.


I hope you enjoy the site and welcome to the 227th House of Alpha.


First of All, Servants of All, We Shall Transcend All!!!


Chapter Leadership


Bro. Angelo Walker

Vice President

Performs the duties of the President in his absence or if he is unable. Chairman of the Executive Committee and liaises between the President and the Standing Committees; Assistant to the President.






Bro. Yusef Roberson

Recording Secretary

Observes and keeps minutes at meetings. Secures the permanent record. Assists the Corresponding Secretary.
















Bro. Stacy B. Barnett

Corresponding Secretary

Orders, keeps, and disburses chapter correspondence. Conducts correspondence related to chapter routine affairs of the body. Keep a list of all members in the chapter's jurisdiction, their financial status, and pertinent information. Perform duties of the Recording Secretary in his absence. 













Bro. Michael C. Coleman

Financial Secretary

Ensures accuracy of all chapter financial transactions through review and validation of receipts and deposits. 














Bro. Rodney Richardson


Receives, deposits, disperses all funds on behalf of the chapter in accordance with chapter approval. Keeps a complete and accurate record. Makes monthly report; notifies member of financial delinquencies at first regular meeting of fraternal year. Provide annual financial report to Audit Committee at the end of fraternal year. 














Bro. Maximilliano McMillan


Opens and closes each meeting in prayer, leads the chapter in the Fraternal Prayer, directs all devotional ceremonies, directs brothers in reverence to God and brotherhood among members.















Bro. Andre Battiste Sr.


Preserves and maintains all historical records, pictures, trophies, books, memorabilia, and official equipment of the chapter. He will keep the official ERL Chapter scrapbook. Assist the Associate editor in publication and information.














Bro. Paul Brown

Intake Coordinator

Presents the body a proposed intake program outline during specified meetings. Runs the intake program in accordance with national guidelines. Ensures Brothers are given an opportunity to become Risk Management certified; liaises between the Brotherhood and the SPHINX Club and reports findings to the body. 
















Bro. Dr. Christopher C. Chisholm

Director of Educational Activities

Plans and directs all educational and scholarship campaigns. Coordinates with the Treasurer for the disbursement of all funds related to education or scholarship. 













Bro. Michael Jackson

Associate Editor of The Sphinx

Edits all publications sent out by the chapter to The Sphinx magazine or other media. Ensures an article is submitted for every issue publicizing chapter activities. Collaborates with the Historian and assists when necessary in both new and historical data.






























Bro. Dr. Christopher C. Chisholm













Bro. Ezra M. Collins




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